Mungkin sudah banyak di antara kita yang telah mendengar kata on-time. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui on-time merupakan kata bahasa Inggris yang berarti tepat waktu. Memang begitu mudah menerjemahkannya sebagai tepat waktu, tapi bagaimana dengan pelaksanaannya? Sudah kah tepat?
Mengutip kata-kata dari Billy Boen di bukunya “Young On Top”, “Apabila kamu datang tepat waktu, artinya kamu menghormati orang yang akan bertemu dengan kamu. Dan tidak hanya itu, kamu juga telah menghargai diri kamu sendiri karena berhasil memenuhi jadwal yang sudah kamu buat sebelumnya“.
Zaman sekarang kata On Time bukanlah hanya sekadar tepat waktu, melainkan All About Respect. Respect di sini berarti menghargai dan menghormati. Menghargai orang yang sudah berjanji bertemu dengan kita dan menghargai diri kita sendiri terhadap jadwal yang telah kita tentukan. Jika bukan mulai dari kita sendiri yang menghargai diri kita, terus siapa lagi?
Ilustrasinya seperti ini. Saya telah berjanji dengan 3 orang rekan untuk bertemu pukul 11.00 di daerah Jakarta.
Pada pukul 14.00 saya harus bertemu dosen di kampus. Bisa dibayangkan apabila pertemuan dengan rekan-rekan saya tersebut tidak dimulai dengan on time? Hampir pasti saya juga akan telat bertemu dengan dosen saya. Oleh karena itu, baik saya maupun ke 3 rekan saya yang lain harus memulainya dengan on time agar jadwal yang telah diatur dari tiap orang dapat berlangsung dengan baik. Jika sudah begitu, maka kita termasuk sudah menghargai diri kita dan menghargai orang lain pula.
Jalanan macet? Siapa yang tidak tahu? “Jangan gunakan macet sebagai alasan.
Perhitungkan waktu kamu dengan telah melibatkan unsur macet di dalamnya!” Ucap seorang dosen saya di kampus. Pada awalnya saya sungguh kesal dengan dosen tersebut, tetapi makin ke sini saya termasuk orang yang mendukung kata-kata nya mengenai on time. Kemacetan di Jakarta memang tidak bisa dicegah tapi bukanlah penghalang bagi kita untuk menepati janji secara on time. Jika jarak rumah cukup jauh dari tempat yang telah dijanjikan, estimasikan waktu yang memang telah melibatkan unsur macet di dalamnya. Misal: janji pertemuan jam 11.00. Jika jarak rumah jauh, jalanlah sekitar 1,5jam sebelumnya dan estimasikan pula waktu macet kurang lebih 30 menit-1 jam. Lalu jalanlah dari rumah menggunakan waktu yang telah mengandung unsur jauh dan macet tersebut.
Quotres about time, from Idea champions :
The biggest excuse people make about why they can't innovate is the lack of time. Really?
1. "Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is to say 'I don't want to.'" - Lao Tzu
2. "To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein
3. "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." - H. Jackson Brown
4. "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein
5. "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."- Abraham Lincoln
6. "Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in." - Napoleon Bonaparte
7. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma -- which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs
8. "Time isn't precious at all, because it is an illusion." - Eckhart Tolle
9. "Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." - Jim Rohn
10. "Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends." - William Shakespeare
11. "Time is what we want most, but what we use worst." - William Penn
12. "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in." - Henry David Thoreau
13. "Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity." - Henry Van Dyke
14. "You may delay, but time will not." - Ben Franklin
15. "If you want work well done, select a busy man -- the other kind has no time." - Elbert Hubbard
16. "What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know." - Saint Augustine
17. "Pick my left pocket of its silver dime, but spare the right -- it holds my golden time!" - Oliver Wendell Holmes
18. "Both young children and old people have a lot of time on their hands. That's probably why they get along so well." - Jonathan Carroll
19. "My time is now." - John Turner
20. "All my possessions for a moment of time." - Queen Elizabeth
21. "What may be done at any time will be done at no time." - Scottish proverb
22. "Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save." - Will Rogers
23. "Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx
24. "I've been on a calendar, but I have never been on time." - Marilyn Monroe
25. "The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time." - Leo Kennedy
26. "A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours." - Milton Berle
27. "The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet." - William Gibson
28. "The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." -
Stephen Covey
29. "It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau
30. "Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves." - Lord Chesterfield
31. "In truth, people can generally make time for what they choose to do; it is not really the time but the will that is lacking." - Sir John Lubbock
32. "I am definitely going to take a course on time management -- just as soon as I can work it into my schedule." - Louis Boone
33. "You will never 'find' time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." - Charles Bruxton
34. "The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." -
- Michael Altshule
35. "Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose." - Thomas Edison
36. "The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something." - Carl Sandburg
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