There is an ingredient for success that is often overlooked, maybe because it sounds out of place in business lingo. But I know for a fact that it is absolutely necessary to achieve any kind of long lasting success, and I know this from experience. That ingredient is passion.
Enthusiasm on a big scale equals passion. If you don’t have passion, everything you do will fizzle out, or be mediocre, at best. You have to love what you’re doing in order to make it in a big time way. People with passion never give up, because they’ll never have a reason to give up, no matter what their circumstances might be. It’s an intangible momentum that can make you indomitable.
Another way to see this clearly is to realize that passion conquers fear. This is an important fact when considering achievement of any sort. Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.” I agree. Think about that statement and keep it close to you.
Next, assess your interests. What do you love doing? What is your imagination presenting to you? Can you develop any of these interests into a viable source of income? Can you come up with a personal blueprint? Do you have a foundation in place, or in the works, for this blueprint? Ask yourself these questions, cover your bases, and then move forward. Without momentum, you will simply be daydreaming.
Very often the dividing line between success and failure is a lack of passion. I’ve known people who have had fantastic ideas who can’t seem to get them off the ground because they approach everything passively. They think the idea will somehow get off the ground by itself, or that just coming up with the idea is enough. Let me tell you something—it’s not enough. It will never be enough. You have to put the idea into action. And if you don’t have the motivation or enthusiasm to do it yourself, it’s likely your great idea will sit on top of your desk or inside your head for a long time to come. Passion is a catalyst. Use it to your advantage and you can start achieving tremendous things. Whatever you do, don’t overlook or underestimate this important ingredient for success. It can take you to some amazing places! Hope to see you there !